Susan O’Brien


Susan O'Brien

From an early age, Susan has always had something creative on the go. She quickly ran out of notes on the tiny toy keyboard she got when she was 7 and went on to sing in the church choir and play with a few bands. She would spend hours messing around on a portable home recording studio, rearranging songs she loved, sometimes writing her own.

She spent almost two decades singing at many wedding ceremonies, studying jazz and dabbling in the singer-songwriter scene before taking a break for a few years to figure out the whole motherhood thing. Susan is a mammy to a boy and twin girls who seem to be getting a little less little every time she blinks.

Susan felt immediately at home when she walked into her first session with them. All the chaos, all the music, so much fun and a wonderful sense of belonging. She loves to work with all the different voices and her favourite thing is to help people’s confidence grow through song. She loves arranging music and has created the most wonderful choir arrangements over the last year. Susan is also a vocal coach with Modern Vocal Technique. She can’t wait to see what beautiful music and memories she will make with all the wonderful ladies in the very special HarMammy Community this year.